As a small business owner, you may not realize the importance of a handbook for your employees, but an employment attorney can help you understand the benefits. A handbook not only gives your employees required rules and regulations for your business, but it can also protect you and your business’ assets in legal battles. If you are still on the fence about implementing an employee handbook, here are a few more reasons why your small business needs one.
Create a Safe Workplace
Employees can utilize your handbook to learn techniques that ensure their environment remains safe. Considering there are millions of workplace accidents in workplace environments, keeping your own business clean and safe is imperative.
An employee handbook can state the best practices your workers should use for safe productivity. These practices may include proper use of machinery and equipment, disposal of waste and other materials, and the safe lifting and transporting of items.
Investing in the development of an employee handbook can help make your workplace safer, which may reduce dangerous and costly accidents.
Conserve Time and Increase Productivity
Your employment attorney can design a handbook that answers common questions that new and old employees may have. Answering the same questions to each and every employee is not only time-consuming, but it can also decrease your company’s productivity while costing your business money.
Be sure your attorney adds a FAQs section into the handbook to conserve time and money.
Protects You from Costly Legal Claims
When deciding if you need a handbook or not, the size of your business doesn’t matter. The truth is, you will most likely face one or more legal claims from a current or former employee at some point in time. During the investigation of these claims, an employee handbook can be beneficial for preventing liability.
When an employee is hired, he should be obligated to read, understand and sign the employee handbook. This signature states that he acknowledges all of the goals, practices and requirements for the position he is entering.
Employees who read over the handbook and agree to the terms set in place can help ensure you and your business are not held liable for any costly legal claims.
If you are a small business owner, consider designing and implementing an employee handbook to protect yourself and your business. To learn more about employee handbooks, contact an employment attorney from Simon | Paschal in the Dallas, TX area at (972) 893-9340.
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