5 New Texas Workplace Laws Passed by Texas Lawmakers in 2021
Many new Texas state laws were passed in 2021. A number of those laws may affect employers, including both their rights concerning business practices and responsibilities to employees. If you have any questions about compliance with Texas business or employment law, one of our experienced Frisco attorneys will be glad to help. In the meantime, […]
Texas’s New Sexual Harassment Laws- What Employers Should Know
Two employment law bills recently took effect in Texas on September 1, 2021, that expand certain protections for employees in Texas workplaces. The bills, SB 45 and HB 21, expand protections to employees specifically concerning sexual harassment in the workplace under the Texas Labor Code, allowing more employees to have eligibility to file a claim […]
Where’s the Line? What is a “Hostile Work Environment”?
Whether you are taking policy steps at your business to protect against harassment in the workplace or you are facing an employee discrimination claim that alleges a hostile work environment, it can be difficult to know what actually constitutes a hostile work environment. While you might know that a hostile work environment is one in […]
Changes Employers Need to Know Regarding Texas Sexual Harassment Law
Starting on September 1, 2021, Texas’ sexual harassment law will have some fairly significant changes. This past summer, both the Texas state house and senate passed amendments to Section 21 of the Texas Labor Code. The most significant change is that the law will now apply to companies with one employee or more (previously the […]