How Are Employer Diversity Programs Different from Affirmative Action?

What Does the SCOTUS Ruling Mean for Employers? On June 29, 2023, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a 6-3 decision striking down affirmative action programs at the University of North Carolina and Harvard University, effectively ending their affirmative action initiatives and the consideration of race as a factor when admitting students to higher education. History […]

How to Respond to an Employment Discrimination Complaint

If the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) or the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) receives an employment discrimination complaint from an employee at your business, how should you respond?  It is important to know how to respond to such a complaint, and to understand the necessary steps to take to protect your business and remain […]

Could You Discriminate Unintentionally When Using AI for Hiring?

Businesses in Texas and across the country are increasingly relying upon artificial intelligence (AI) in recruiting and hiring new employees, yet questions concerning the ethical and potentially discriminatory use of AI has arisen in various industries. Particularly with a shift to more remote work as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, if your Texas business […]

New Requirements for Federal Contractors in 2022

Employers in Texas engaged in work as federal contractors or subcontractors need to learn about new employment law requirements affecting federal contractors in 2022. If your business takes on federal contracts or is classified as a federal contractor, you might already be familiar with certain requirements from 2021. Yet there is more to be aware […]

Workers’ Comp for Employees with Side Effects from Mandated COVID-19 Vaccines

Many employers in Texas are requiring employees to have COVID-19 vaccines in order to do their jobs. If your business has made vaccines mandatory as a condition of employment, then you should know that it is possible for an employee to seek workers’ compensation benefits for an adverse reaction to, or side effects from, a […]

3 Surprising Reasons Your Small Business Needs an Employee Handbook

As a small business owner, you may not realize the importance of a handbook for your employees, but an employment attorney can help you understand the benefits.  A handbook not only gives your employees required rules and regulations for your business, but it can also protect you and your business’ assets in legal battles. If […]

Benefits of Hiring an Employment Law Attorney to Design IC Agreements

Hiring independent contractors is a common practice for many business owners, but you may not know fully understand how an employment law attorney can design Independent Contractor agreements to protect your company. Considering hiring contractors to complete tasks can save your business money. However, ensuring each contractor is properly classified as an independent contractor and […]

5 Human Resources Compliance Mandates Not to be Overlooked

Any Human Resources professional knows that the world of HR compliance in Dallas, TX is always evolving and being redefined. While some aspects may seem more important than others, there are a few compliance mandates that should never be ignored. Some of them are: Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) Fair […]