What Dallas TX Businesses Should Know About a DOL Audit

If you’ve never heard of a DOL audit for Dallas TX small businesses, you need to know that it is increasing in frequency and quickly overtaking IRS audits as the bane of business owners. According to Forbes, all the detailed bookkeeping and exacting accounting practices in the world won’t be of much help if the […]

Why HR Compliance Shouldn’t Be Overlooked in Any Business

A lot of times the Human Resource department often gets overlooked when the reality should be the opposite and a lot of attention should be placed on HR compliance in Dallas, TX. The Human Resources department has significant compliance responsibilities both inside and outside of the department. Some of the key areas of compliance for […]

Employee Using Drugs? 3 Steps Recommended by an Employment Attorney

If you believe an employee is using drugs in your Dallas TX workplace, your first step should be to remain calm and consult your employment attorney. Drug abuse is not only damaging to the user but also to the people and environment surrounding them. This can directly affect your workplace and other employees, so it […]

Employment Attorney Dallas TX: Employment Law Management Training

Litigation over workplace practices is on the rise, and business owners need to stay on top of the laws. Keeping employees safe is paramount, as is protecting the bottom line by ensuring staff and management are well-trained on employment law issues. An employment attorney Dallas TX at Simon | Paschal PLLC is knowledgeable about employment […]

Employment Attorney Dallas TX: What to Expect from an EEOC Charge

When an employee feels his or her employer has violated one of the many employment discrimination laws, the employee’s first step is to file a charge with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). The internet is rife with too much information to help employees through this process; but what about employers? The employment attorneys Dallas […]

DOL Audit Dallas TX: How You Can Avoid A Department of Labor Audit

U.S. Department of Labor onsite compliance audits are on the rise and that means that your business stands a good chance of becoming the target of a DOL audit Dallas TX.  A DOL audit can arise for a number of reasons including random chance; so even though you think you are compliant in all areas […]

Using an Employment Attorney to Create an Employee Handbook

If you need help creating an employee handbook, you may need an employment attorney in Dallas TX to help create one that is complete and easy to understand. Simon | Paschal can help develop and implement a handbook so that any legal issue that might come up is covered. As you begin, make sure that […]

HR Compliance Dallas TX: 5 Things You Can Do To Stay Compliant

If you own a business — large or small — that has employees, then you need to follow HR compliance Dallas TX.  Not only is complying with federal and state human resources rules and regulations good for employee/employer relations, but it also ensures that you won’t be in violation of any rules or regulations that […]

Employment Attorney Dallas TX: How to Avoid Wage and Overtime Lawsuits

It’s always a good idea for businesses to have a good employment attorney Dallas TX on their side to assist them in defending against any employee lawsuits that may arise. Wage and overtime issues account for a large number of legal actions taken against businesses. There are many ways human resource departments can avoid these […]

Employment Lawyers Dallas TX: Tips for Documenting Employee Discipline

Having employment lawyers Dallas TX working with your organization is becoming an absolute necessity in today’s complex world. Even seemingly small things such as writing an employee up for a disciplinary reason, need to be done in a concise manner. Certain protocols must be followed in the event the employee retaliates with a lawsuit against […]