Employment Law Dallas TX: Using Background Checks in Hiring Decisions

Having someone who knows the ins and outs of employment law Dallas TX on your side is key when making staffing decisions. Hiring an employee to join your organization is a huge investment of time and money. Using pre-employment background checks offer benefits well beyond what it costs to have one conducted. These benefits are: […]

Employment Law Attorney Dallas TX: Employee Handbooks

An employment law attorney Dallas TX advises businesses on many matters pertaining to hiring, training and terminating employees. Writing employee handbooks is another one of the services offered by employment attorneys. Although it may not seem like an important matter, a poorly written or incomplete employee handbook can cause misunderstandings, or worse, among workers and […]

Employment Lawyers Dallas TX: Tips for Documenting Employee Discipline

Having employment lawyers Dallas TX working with your organization is becoming an absolute necessity in today’s complex world. Even seemingly small things such as writing an employee up for a disciplinary reason, need to be done in a concise manner. Certain protocols must be followed in the event the employee retaliates with a lawsuit against […]

Employment Law Dallas TX: A Partner for Human Resource Requirements

The many facets of employment law Dallas TX are complicated and often overwhelming. Government agencies regularly audit businesses on virtually every aspect of the employment relationship. Some areas that are inspected include: Hours worked by employees Exempt vs. Nonexempt classifications Overtime compensation Employee handbooks Anti-discrimination and anti-harassment practices Most businesses simply do not have the […]

Employment Lawyers Dallas TX: Your Company Needs an Employee Handbook

Having an employee handbook for your organization is essential, and having the assistance of experienced employment lawyers Dallas TX will make sure your employee handbook includes all necessary information. If you’re the owner of a small business, you may wonder why having an employee handbook is important. Here are some reasons why: Sets the right expectations […]

Employment Lawyers Dallas TX are Experts in Drafting Employee Manuals

If you’ve been putting off the advice from employment lawyers Dallas TX to draft an employee handbook, you may want to re-think the issue. According to the Huffington Post, three-quarters of litigation against corporations are employment disputes, so it’s just good business sense to lay out your company’s rules, regulations, and policies as they apply […]

Employment Law Dallas TX: Contractors to Receive New Benefits

A recent change in employment law Dallas TX means contractors no longer have to worry about staying home from work sick and not receiving pay for it.  Hundreds of thousands of American workers are now eligible for paid sick leave after President Obama signed an executive order in September of 2015 that forces companies who contract […]

Employment Law Dallas TX: Understand the Changes to FLSA in 2016

One of the most difficult responsibilities for an organization is to stay on top of employment law Dallas TX. Every year sees new legislation and updates to existing laws regarding employees. 2015 was a busy year with changes at the federal, state, and local levels. Projections for the upcoming year could be even more eventful. […]

Employment Lawyer Dallas TX: Is Your Employment Handbook Up To Date?

Successful companies understand the need to seek employee handbook advice from an employment lawyer Dallas TX. Your employment handbook is a vital resource for both employers and employees. It communicates valuable information about company procedures, policies and benefits. This concise document clearly lays out the expectations of all people working for your company. It is […]

Hiring Employees or Subcontractors? Get Employment Lawyers Dallas TX

Hiring someone for your business could require the help of employment lawyers Dallas TX, and Simon Paschal has the answers you’re looking for. Whether you want to hire an employee or subcontractor, you’ll need to know how the IRS classifies these individuals; there is a lot more to the process than just deciding whether you’ll […]